Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it.

Samuel Johnson

BM Thesis

  1. Array

    In the digital era, Instagram has emerged as a crucial platform for marketing, particularly within educational institutions. Despite the growing importance of social media marketing, there remains a research gap in understanding how Instagram marketing specifically affects brand awareness and brand image in the context of higher education. This study addresses this gap by examining the impact of Instagram marketing on brand awareness and brand image at XYZ International Business School. The research is grounded in brand management theory, which posits that brand awareness is a key precursor to a strong brand image. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the study employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze data collected from 93 students through a structured survey. The findings indicate that Instagram marketing significantly enhances both brand awareness and brand image, emphasizing the importance of high-quality visual content, such as photos and videos, in capturing and retaining audience attention. Additionally, the study confirms a positive relationship between brand awareness and brand image, suggesting that a strong brand presence on Instagram can reinforce the institution's identity and improve public perception. The implications of this research are twofold: theoretically, it strengthens the understanding of social media's role in brand management within the education sector; practically, it offers insights for educational institutions to strategically leverage Instagram as a marketing tool. By focusing on content quality and consistent engagement, institutions like XYZ International Business School can enhance their visibility, attract more students, and cultivate a strong, positive brand image. This study contributes to the broader discourse on digital marketing in higher education.


  2. The abstract effectively sets the stage for understanding the rapid evolution of the mobile gaming industry, emphasizing the importance of game features and user experience in player retention and engagement. By focusing on Mobile Game XYZ in Indonesia, it highlights the game’s success in catering to a diverse audience, particularly those using low-end smartphones. This makes the study relevant for developers targeting emerging markets with varied technological capabilities. The use of a survey with 45 respondents from the 18-25 age group is a suitable method for capturing user experiences and preferences, providing relevant insights into player behavior. The key findings—how game features like graphics, animations, and rewards enhance Flow Experience—are crucial for player immersion and continued engagement. These elements, combined with balanced challenges and social interaction, significantly influence players’ Intention to Use, demonstrating how developers can design games to keep players immersed and loyal. The abstract also ties these findings back to business strategy, making it clear that high-quality game features are not supplementary but central to a game’s success. In a competitive market like Indonesia, well-crafted game elements can foster player retention, making this research valuable for developers looking to create compelling and sustainable mobile gaming experiences.

  3. The fast-food industry in Indonesia, especially noodle-based chains like Mie XYZ, has seen rapid growth, particularly in Jakarta. While Mie XYZ has gained popularity through its unique products and strong online presence, the brand faces challenges in maintaining customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Additionally, there is growing consumer demand for sustainable practices and social media engagement, making these factors crucial for business success. This study aims to address the research gap by examining how Mie XYZ's focus on product quality, social media presence, and environmental efforts influences customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The quantitative research was conducted using SEM-PLS, with data collected from 155 respondents who are regular customers of Mie XYZ in Jakarta. The results showed that consistent product quality, positive social media reviews, and sustainable practices significantly impact customer satisfaction and trust, leading to higher repurchase intention. These findings suggest that Mie XYZ should prioritize improving its product, strengthening its social media engagement, and adopting more eco-friendly initiatives to enhance customer loyalty and maintain a competitive edge.

  4. This thesis elaborates on the consumer behavior of SMEs in Indonesia when choosing accounting software, particularly Xyz Accounting. This study elaborated on the Xyz Accounting consumer behaviors in order to formulate appropriate marketing strategies in line with SME consumer preferences. The research was initiated by describing the market of accounting software and its rapid growth, and also the need and importance of studying consumer behavior. This research also discussed the company background of PT Xyz International, the leading provider of accounting software within Indonesia. It examines the research on marketing tactics, decision-making process models, and theories of consumer behavior. When choosing accounting software, emphasis is focused on the need of taking efficiency, cooperation, reporting, and compliance into consideration. The methodology section describes the qualitative research strategy, including the population definition, sampling strategies, and data analysis techniques.The methodology section identifies the approach of the research, which is qualitative in nature, with a defined population, sampling tools, and how data was analyzed. The findings section gives the results of the research, insights from both the manager's and user's perspectives. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the key findings and the recommended strategies to enhance the market share for Xyz Accounting. It has contributed both to the academic and industry knowledge bases regarding actionable intelligence in serving customer needs better, and hence refining the product offerings in the accounting software industry.

  5. Array

    This study is conducted to analyze the effect ownership concentration, liquidity, and leverage towards firm performance with political connection as a moderating variable. This study examines 36 companies in the LQ-45 index during the period of 2017 to 2022. This study utilizes a quantitative approach and panel data analysis. The study found that ownership concentration has a significant effect and positive effect towards firm performance measured using Tobin's Q.The study found that ownership concentration negatively influences firm performance at a significant level when the firm has a political connection. Liquidity positively affects firm performance, and it is not a significant level. Leverage negatively influences firm performance, and it is not significant to firm performance. The COVID-19 negatively and significantly influences firm performance of the stocks in LQ-45 index. The findings of this research may help investors, fund managers, and pensions funds by adding ownership concentration as a variable of consideration as a variable of consideration in choosing a stock.


MM Thesis

  • Financial performance analysis of life insurance company for the 2016-2023 period : comparative analysis of pre-pandemic and pandemic era

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought drastic changes to the dynamics of the life insurance Alpha Alan industry, deeply affecting economic economic growth projections and financial movements. The life insurance market experienced significant financial, operational, and strategic impacts during the pandemic in 2020, with an estimated market decline of 5.2% due to the economic slowdown. This study focuses on prudential life insurance and Allianz life, aiming to thoroughly investigate how the pandemic affected these companies' financial performance from 2019 to 2023. Secondary data from the companies was gathered from their respective websites and publicly available data from the Indonesia stock exchange. Financial statements for the years 2016 to 2023 were analyzed using eight financial ratios. The normality of the data distribution was assessed using the Shapiro-wilk test. Based on the normality results, parametric tests (paired sample t-test) or non-parametric tests (wilcoxon signed-rank test) were applied to compare the financial performance pre-pandemic and pandemic era. All statistical analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS statistics 27 to determine whether significant differences existed between the two periods. The results indicate that prudential showed superior performance in profitability and solvency metrics, such as return on equity (ROE) and risk-based capital (RBC), while allianz demonstrated stronger asset management and liquidity ratios, particularly during the pandemic. Both companies exhibited significant shifts in select ratios, highlighting distinct responses to market challenges, with prudential excelling in profitability and Allianz in asset utilization and liquidity during uncertain times.


    Financial performance analysis of life insurance company for the 2016-2023 period : comparative analysis of pre-pandemic and pandemic era
  • Strategy formulation to optimize revenue of medical devices company PT XYZ : a challenge of local component level (YKDN) requirement

    The government of Indonesia is implementing a transition in the sustainability of the health system that includes, among other things, the development of medical devices made in the country reduce its reliance to imported medical devices. Through the regulation of the president of Republic of Indonesia number 12 of 2021, the ministries/ institutions/regional apparatuses are obligated to use domestic products, including national design and engineering. The obligation to use domestic products is performed if there are domestic products that have the sum of national contribution value (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri, TKDN) plus the corporate contribution value (Bobot manfaat Perusahaan, BMP) of a minimum of 40% (forty percent). The change of new regulation impacted PT XYZ, a company supplying medical devices mostly to government institution experienced turbulence,


    Strategy formulation to optimize revenue of medical devices company PT XYZ : a challenge of local component level (YKDN) requirement
  • The influence of financial literacy to consumer purchase intention of traditional life insurance product

    This study investigates customer purchase intentions for traditional life insurance products, focusing on the impact of financial literacy. It investigates the specific challenges faced by life insurance companies in Indonesia due to tightening regulations imposed by Indonesia's financial service authority ("OJK") regarding unit-link insurance products, a modified whole life insurance product that combines protection and investment. As a result, life insurance companies have recently competed to supply traditional life insurance products to ensure company continuity. By addressing the need for more research in this area, this study fills a void by informing life insurance companies on how financial literacy influences consumer purchase intentions of traditional life insurance products. This study gives a thorough knowledge for life insurance companies to establish ways to learn more about consumer behavior in the emergence of various traditional life insurance products through a synthesis of existing literature, qualitative research findings, and empirical evidence. The suggested research framework emphasize critical characteristics of financial literacy,attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and their impact on customer purchase intention of traditional life insurance products. While this conceptual article provides valuable insights and a research framework, a more empirical study is required to validate and expand on the offered claims. Future research should look into the impact of financial literacy on consumer purchasing intentions, particularly among generation Z. This study will benefit others, mainly by providing insights to the boards of management of life insurance companies in understanding the consumer intention of the traditional life insurance product, particularly in understanding the shift from unit-link life insurance products to traditional life insurance products.


    The influence of financial literacy to consumer purchase intention of traditional life insurance product
  • The impact of financial indicators and macro-economic variables on financial performance and stock return of coal mining companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2014-2023)

    Coal export contributed 4.16 percent to Indonesia GDP in 2023. However, the contribution is fluctuated from 2014 to 2023. However, the contribution is fluctuated from 2014-2023 according to the central bureau of statistics in Indonesia (BPS). The global shift away from coal, spurred by COP26 and COP28 agreements, where declining demand and potential trade restrictions are likely to significantly impact coal-dependent economies by reducing revenue and necessitating economic diversification. This study obtained financial and macroeconomic analyses before and during COVID-19 at seven coal mining companies. This methodology is quantitative, and the data was collected from the annual financial reports of seven coal mining companies listed on the stock exchange from 2014 to 2023. This research used microsoft excel, eviews, and IBM SPSS, to process descriptive analytical test, classical assumption, panel data regression of model estimation, model selection, and hypothesis test. As a result, the variable of current ratio (CR), total asset turnover (TATO) did not affect significantly on return on asset (ROA), while debt-asset-ratio (DAR) has a negative effect and COVID-19 has a positive and significant effect on the first equation. On the second equation, CR, Market return (MR), ROA have a positive effect, excluding DAR, TATO, Foreign exchange (FOREX), and coal price (CP). Hence, the research can gain implications to stakeholders that evaluated the positive and/or significant effect during phenomena because the financial performance and macroeconomic variables can be impacted on ROA and stock return drastically towards seven coal mining companies. This study warn to lower DAR, strengthen efficiency, control the pandemic and enhance market return.


    The impact of financial indicators and macro-economic variables on financial performance and stock return of coal mining companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2014-2023)
  • The influence of marketing mix on customer intention and purchasing decisions moderated by social networking for choosing a golf course in Jabodetabek

    Indonesia is one of the countries that also experiences and is affected by COVID-19, due to the existence of work from home or WFH and social distancing, WFH people cannot leave the house. This has an impact on people's lives including the economic sector. Public interest in golf during the pandemic has increased. Golf games that are carried out in open and spacious places allow golfers to apply physical distancing and are supported by qualified health protocols making golf a popular sporting choice during this pandemic. This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of the marketing mix on customer intentions and purchasing decisions moderated by social networks in choosing a golf course in Jabodetabek. This research uses primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires containing respondents' opinions about marketing mix on customer intentions and purchasing decisions moderated by social networks in choosing a golf course in Jabodetabek. The sampling method used was random sampling. From a population of 195 people, all were taken as samples for this research. The analysis method used is SEM PLS using SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results of this study indicate that product has an effect on customer intentions, price has no effect on customer intentions, place has no effect on customer intentions, promotion has an effect on cutsomer intentions, customer intentions affect purchasing decisions, and social networking and customer intentions have no effect on purchasing decisions.


    The influence of marketing mix on customer intention and purchasing decisions moderated by social networking for choosing a golf course in Jabodetabek
  • Business strategy of an Indonesian restaurant to succeed in the current digitalization circumstances (Evidence in Ayam Goreng Cabe ijo mas hendy)

    This research explores the business strategy of Ayam Goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy, an Indonesian restaurant, to address the challenges posed by digital transformation. Through a SWOT analysis with the support of PESTLE and porter five analysis to This research explores the business strategy of Ayam Goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy, an Indonesian restaurant, to address the challenges posed by digital transformation. Through a SWOT analysis with the support of PESTLE and porter five analysis to prompt the external analysis, the study identifies its strengths and weaknesses and strategic opportunities and threats in the restaurant business. Interviews with key stakeholders, including owners, restaurant management staff, and a few loyal customers, provide insights into the restaurant's capabilities and challenges ahead. The results are ranked based on importance, performance, significance, and business's response and synthesized into a TOWS matrix with quantitative values. This process led to the formulation of various business plans and actionable recommendations, enabling the restaurant to adapt to digital trends and enhance its competitive advantage. The results show the readiness for ayam goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy to grow using digitalization tools with proper transition. The study highlights the potential of Ayam Goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy in the digital transformation circumstances to stay competitive and relevant.This research explores the business strategy of Ayam Goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy, an Indonesian restaurant, to address the challenges posed by digital transformation. Through a SWOT analysis with the support of PESTLE and porter five analysis to prompt the external analysis, the study identifies its strengths and weaknesses and strategic opportunities and threats in the restaurant business. Interviews with key stakeholders, including owners, restaurant management staff, and a few loyal customers, provide insights into the restaurant's capabilities and challenges ahead. The results are ranked based on importance, performance, significance, and business's response and synthesized into a TOWS matrix with quantitative values. This process led to the formulation of various business plans and actionable recommendations, enabling the restaurant to adapt to digital trends and enhance its competitive advantage. The results show the readiness for ayam goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy to grow using digitalization tools with proper transition. The study highlights the potential of Ayam Goreng Cabe Ijo Mas Hendy in the digital transformation circumstances to stay competitive and relevant.prompt the external analysis, the study identifies its strengths and weaknesses and strategic opportunities and threats in the restaurant business.


    Business strategy of an Indonesian restaurant to succeed in the current digitalization circumstances (Evidence in Ayam Goreng Cabe ijo mas hendy)



We have many types of collections in our library, range from Fictions to Sciences Material, from printed material to digital collections such CD-ROM, CD, VCD and DVD. We also collect daily serials publications such as newspaper and also monthly serials such as magazines.



















Group Field Project

  1. Not Available

    PT. Vivere Multi Kreasi has been present in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, and Bali through its 12 representative stores with core competencies in home furnishings and accessories branded as VIVERE. It currently has three marketing channels: Store, Project, and Online. The company takes much of their effort and focus to develop their physical stores more than its other channel, despite the fact that their project channel has shown good growth performance. This study is attempting to find the root cause of why the total revenue from 2015 to 2016 decreased by 1.6% despite of the launch of new gift stores, display warehouse outlet, online channeland growing property sector. Based on calculated assumptions, it shows that currently the company is only capturing 4.1% of total available furniture markets and about 4-5% capturing home accessories market. This study concluded that, the company’s current channels are not effectively tailored to serve neither their specific customer types nor the target market segment. In order to design a tailormade channel, the company’s customer segments then studied, and customer buying behavior and decision process in the target market segment were thoroughly reviewed. As the result, three customer segments for furniture market identified in this study: those are end user, interior designer, and corporation. In home accessories market, this study also found two customer segments, which are end user and corporation. As recommendation, in order to effectively served those customer segments, this study proposes five different marketing channel design mixes for the company to focus their marketing effort on, in order to add values to support their competitive advantage in the respective business environment. Each of the designs was thoroughly and specifically intended to effectively serve each of those identified customer segments in the target market. Supervisor: Rudianto Prabowo


  2. Not Available

    Mechanical energy conversion of gas into electricity using a gas engine will produce waste heat which can be utilized as a co-product. With co product will increase the value of energy efficiency than previously when only produce electricity about 40 percent, with a co-product such as by technology CHP (Combined Heat and Power) or CCHP (Combined Cooling Heating and Power), would be more than 2 times the efficiency of the original 80-sd typically around 85% of them. So, that conservation, this technology will be better.Industrial and commercial buildings usually require a source of energy in the form of steam heating or cold air from the results of this energy conversion. Survey on gas users illustrates that the tire production plants, food production and manufacturing in addition to requiring power also require steam as an energy source for production. Steam heat in the production process is not having high temperature of around 150oC with a pressure of approximately 7-8 bar so that the waste heat from the gas engine can be satisfied. While commercial buildings besides electricity also require air conditioning. Some commercial buildings surveyed have used air conditioning systems using waste heat as an energy source which is the output of the gas engine.The survey on producer gas engine is known that the gas engine has also been designed for low emissions that are environmentally friendly. In the example of the calculation of the gas engine to generate electricity alone and with gas prices today, it is less economical when compared to electrical systems that combine different types of power plants. But if the gas engine has been prepared to become a CHP or CCHP will be able to generate value for the lower cost of electricity existing tariff system.Overview on examples of problems CHP in PGN’s Office building at Bekasi to see economic studies using spreadsheets created show that for on the Project IRR of 21.88% and 99% capacity factor like the output price electricity prices amounted to 11.07 cents USD per kWh, cooling energy 32.8 cents USD per TRh with 13,500 rupiah exchange rate. Machine Capacity used is 8,450 kWh/day (Gas Engine) and 7,605 TRh/day. The gas consumption required is 3,726.45 m3/day (0,13 MMSCFD). The financial output is IRR 21.88 %, Engine Investment is USD 1.1 million, Payback period 5 year and NPV Project $ 660,147. Supervisor: Tritjondro Baskoro


  3. Not Available

    Increased utilization of domestic natural gas requires integration between gas production planning, market development and infrastructure development. Utilization of natural gas recently still not optimum because almost half of all domestic gas production still to be exported. One of the challenges in the utilization of domestic gas is the availability of infrastructure which is still limited and high.Prospective customers who are in certain locations, although near to the existing PGN network still receive high capex financing schemes. This prospective customer is called the last mile customer.With the increasing of demand for natural gas and with the existing of 111,405 Customers and 797,69 Bbtud Gas Sales, PGN since 2016 have set the Investment Policy for Potential Customer, that “each of Potential Customer must meet the IRR before PGN can invest in building the required infrastructure to deliver the gas to the potential customers”. Previously, the IRR policy was counted per Sales Area/Region.The CAPEX and OPEX of the project is quite flexible, but as PGN has also its standard or company code, reducing the cost of this activities will reduce the quality of the systems or facilities, therefore will could also reducing the safety of the system. And again it will break the PGN policy in safety. The other possibility is by increasing the revenue by adjusting the gas price.General environment analysis began by gathering information & identifying factors relavant to this field project. The information was collected through numerous internal and external sources such as internal PGN’s Operating Procedures, databases, literature & websites.Analysis from data conclude that Developing Last Miles Potential Customer Through New Gas Price or New “efficiency program” by PGN-Subsidiary are potentialy to implemented for the “Not Feasible” Potential Customer that are using LPG or Diesel as their existing fuel source. CONFIDENTIAL 26 AUGUST 2027 Supervisor: Sonny W. Antonio


  4. Not Available

    PT Maxima Amerta Kerta was founded and operated in Indonesia since 2012. PT Maxima Amerta Kerta is a transportation rental company that specialized in tourism and corporate rental. The company first operation is in Bali under the name Maxima Auto Rent. Maxima was founded by professionals that has been involved in automotive industry in Indonesia for decades. With the trend of global car rental market is growing since 2014, PT. Maxima Amerta Kerta is also keen to develop its market share. The company should analyze its current issue and their capabilities to compete in the market. Through this research, the author will analyze the competitive advantage of PT. Maxima Amerta Kerta through internal and external analysis. The author will use Porter’s Five Forces analysis, PEST analysis, VRIO analysis, financial ratio analysis, SWOT analysis, TOWS matrix, and ansoff matrix as a tool to analyze the company. The conclusion is, PT. Maxima Amerta Kerta should develop and utilize its digital marketing strategy to gain more brand awareness and maximized their potential customer, expand a new operation area in growing tourism city to develop and have a bigger market share, reduce operating expenses to have more net profit and make the shareholders happy, and to have their financial report audited by financial consultant or institution to have a better understanding on how healthy their company is. Keywords: Corporate Rental, Tourism Rental, Strategic Management


  5. Not Available

    Go-Points is a loyalty program exclusively for Go-Pay users where GoPay users will gain points for every transaction made through Go-Pay. It can be redeemed with many available rewards from various categories. The purpose of this study is to identify the encouragement of Go-Points’s users to access and use Go-Points feature based on their main goals. In order to help overcame the problems in this paper team will elaborate all the theories that interpret the project object and will utilize several theories and tools that help the team analyze the project’s point of issues. This research begins by determining the problems in the company through qualitative data by interviewing the customers also marketing expert and observing the problem. In this research writers would like to know the extent to which Go-Points are known by Go-Jek users, the extent to which users use Go-Points, and what marketing strategy Go-Points should do based on users and marketing expert opinion. Supervisor: Eka Sri Dana Afriza


  6. Not Available

    As a financial institution, Bank Muamalat Indonesia conducts its businesses based on Sharia principle, performs its functions as a bank by executing its principal business activities, namely collecting funds from the public and distributing the funds to the public through financing services. In the current situation, the Sharia Banking industry keeps on developing and increasing. Within the spiritual market, Bank Muamalat has a competitive advantage as the first stand-alone sharia banks in Indonesia and has become a better entity and grabbed long-term growth. The authors focus on three objectives; 1) Strategizing the time frame of FTP rate calculation 2)Providing Bank Muamalat with a new equation of FTP 3)Increasing the competitiveness of Bank Muamalat in Segmenting, Branding, and Promotion. Since the rapid growth of Sharia Banking Industry in Indonesia, PT. Bank Muamalat should analyze its current issues and their potential to compete within the market. Through this study, the authors will analyze the competitive advantage using Porter's 5 forces, VRIO analysis, SWOT and TOWS analysis. The other issues that were discovered in PT. Bank Muamalat internal system is their current implementation of Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP) calculation, where they have the annual calculation which has the inability to adapt towards volatile situations in taking place on uncertain time phases throughout the period, producing outcomes of unsatisfactory. In conclusion, PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia should utilize its brand as "Indonesia's Sharia Bank Pioneer" and maximized the targeted market engagement of the spiritual market by creating a mindset of ―BERKAH‖. On the other hand, for the calculation of Fund Transfer Pricing (FTP), PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia should consider changing its timeframe from annual to the monthly calculation to help the company in facing volatile situations. Keywords: Sharia Banking, Spiritual Market, Fund Transfer Pricing



  1. nd narration by Stephen M. Peters. These audio reviews contain key chapter concepts and learning objectives allowing you to review classroom material anywhere, anytime. Listen to them while you're exercising, in your car, or even while walking through campus on your way to class. Step to the head of the class, because you'll be prepared in a completely new way!. These CDs will work on any audi CD system. Audio Chapter Reviews: DISC ONE: Chapter 1: Customer-driven marketing Chapter 2: Strategic planning and the marketing process Chapter 3: The marketing environment, ethics, and social responsibility Chapter 4: Global dimensions of marketing DISC TWO: Chapter 5: E-commerce : electronic marketing and the internet for Dot.com and Brick-and-Mortar Marketers Chapter 6: Relationship marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) Chapter 7: Marketing research, decision-support systems, and sales forecasting Chapter 8: Market segmentation, targeting and positioning Chapter 9: Consumer behavior Chapter 10: Busine-to-business (B2B) marketing DISC THREE: Chapter 11: Product strategies Chapter 12: Category and brand management, product identification, and new-product planning Chapter 13: Price determination Chapter 14: Managing the pricing function DISC FOUR: Chapter 15: Marketing channels, logistics, and supply chain management Chapter 16: Direct marketing and marketing resellers : retailers and wholesalers Chapter 17: Integrated marketing communications Chapter 18: Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations Chapter 19: Personal selling and sales-force management


    Contemporary marketing : audio chapter reviews
  2. Invisible Giants is a book about leadership, choices in life and the potential within everyone to make a difference. Lindsay Levin, who founded the social enterprise Leaders' Quest in 2001, tells the remarkable stories of some of the people she has met through her work, and their impact on the world. These 'invisible giants' are grassroots leaders who have overcome numerous hardships to re-energise their communities, and business leaders who strive to integrate purpose alongside profit. They are female activists in slums campaigning to end the exclusion of girls from school, and environmentalists who are tackling the effects of industrialisation on the world's ecosystem. They are also the people we meet every day, who are revisiting their life choices. Inspiring and moving, this is also the story of Lindsay's own quest – to ask 'What really matters?' and figure out where the answers can take her.


    Invisible Giants
  3. Instructor`s Resource to book Marketing Management, 8th ed by J. Paul Peter, -McGraw-Hill, c2007.


    Instructor`s Resource CD-ROM Marketing Management : knowledge and skills, 8th ed.
  4. Di tahun 2012 ini ternyata kondisi perekonomian Indonesia cukup baik dibandingkan tahun – tahun sebelumnya. Hal ini terlihat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi yang meningkat sebesar 6%. Peningkatan ini disumbangkan oleh berbagai sektor perekonomian, mulai dari sektor pertanian, sektor industri, sektor perdagangan dan sektor- sektor lainnya. Peningkatan ini membuat taraf hidup masyarakat semakin meningkat secara perlahan. Selain itu peningkatan ini juga dikarenakan makin giatnya masyarakat untuk berwirausaha ataupun membuat UMKM yang dalam perjalanannya sangat didukung oleh pemerintah, salah satu tindakan pemerintah yaitu dengan memberikan pinjaman tanpa bunga kepada pihak UMKM. Ini membuktikan bahwa orang – orang Indonesia mulai mandiri. Hal seperti ini perlahan dan pasti akan menurunkan tingkat pengangguran. Selain itu tahun 2012 ini seperti yang kita ketahui bersama krisis ekonomi di Eropa namun krisis tersebut tidak berdampak langsung terhadap sektor UMKM di Indonesia. Ini menandakan bahwa UMKM kebal terhadap krisis.


    20 tahun perjalanan ekonomi Indonesia
  5. Presents the commercials (advertisements) to counter AIDS in the United States. Ad Council wished to run an educational campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS. They were challenged to find acceptable ways to address this very sensitive subject matter--ways that the media and the public would approve. One of the big challenges was to make the word "condom" acceptable to the TV networks as condom use can prevent the spread of the HIV virus. The case gives a brief explanation of the disease and the reasons why Ad Council felt this campaign was necessary. Also outlines the target group selected and basic strategy. The primary question is "How will this campaign get media approval?"


    Ad Council`s AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy

E Resource

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