The moderating role of performance management system on transformational leadership, employee engagement and organizational performance evidence in STM IPMI
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IPMI International Business School is turning 38 in 2022, and has been one of the best business School in Indonesia alongside its competitors such as PPM school of management, prasetya Mulya, Bina Nusantara, and SBM ITB. For the past 5 years, IPMI's student intake has been stagnant. This has also impacting IPMI's development as an institution. Student intake has been IPMI's main source of funding. Therefore this situation has also limiting IPMI's activities related to Tridarma. To see IPMI positioning among competitors, internal research was conducted in comparing IPMI with PPM, Prasetya Mulya, and Bina Nusantara. The result is that stands below competitor scores, where IPMI used to be on the same level with those competitors. Several disadvantage for IPMI are internal resources which hasn't been used optimally, B accreditation, and relatively high educational fee. The table also shows that alumni is IPMI's main strength but it is not yet managed well so it hasn't bring much impact toward IPMI as an organization. To reach the purpose of organization, member in the organization must have behavior that supported in giving contribution to the organization, one of the supports is the action that out of the role in the organization environment. Therefore, we may look into transformational leadership style and employee engagement, and their impact toward organization performance. The research will also see performance management system as the moderating factor. The study will use a quantitative survey of 100 staff and faculty members in IPMI International Business School, and the data is analysed using SmartPLS4. As a result, the research indicates that employee engagement has a high mean value, and transformational leadership have a positive impact on employee engagement and organization performance. However, performance management system has negative moderating impact on the relation between employee engagement and organization performance, but it has positive moderating impact on the relation between transformational leadership and organization performance.
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Publisher Place | Jakarta Selatan |
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96p: ill; 30cm
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