Image of Market Analysis of Postmix Market for PT Pepsi-Cola Indobeverages

Market Analysis of Postmix Market for PT Pepsi-Cola Indobeverages

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Publisher :IPMI , 1996

At this moment, competition among major soft drink producers is becoming more-intense. Soft drinks have been offered in various forms of packaging, such as returned bottled, canned, and dispensing machines. P. T Pepsi Cola Indobeverages in Indonesia see a potential market for its dispensing machines. Currently, this company is considering the possibility of entering the existing untapped potential market in Indonesia.

The project assigned by P. T. Pepsi Cola Indobeverages was to perform a market research to identify potential untapped market for its dispensing machine, characteristics of those potential markets, and penetration levels of both Pepsi and its major competitors, such as Coca Cola and RC-Cola. Result of this study will be used aft an input to the management in determining marketing and sales strategies to enter those potential markets.

Result of market research shows that a big potential market exist for all type of soft drink dispensing machines in Indonesia (premix, postmix LCD and postmix venture). In addition, distribution and quality of information playa key role in determining outlets/respondents willingness to use soft drink dispensing machines. Furthermore, fast and aggressive sales efforts would be required for soft drink producers to enter the untapped markets. Finally, excellent services and extensive information distribution are necessities for Pepsi to enter into the dispensing machine market and establish brand recognition.

Research Location: PT. Pepsi-Cola Indobeverages

Supervisor: Ir. Deddy Herdiansjah

Accepted on November 1996

For IPMI Internal -- Read at Library Only.

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Publisher Place Jakarta
xii, 50p.: tabs., figs., quest.; 27 cm.

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