Using information technology : a practical introduction to computers & communications complete version
| Gmd : Text
| Availability :
00000009834 | QA76.5 .W5332 2005 | (Library Reserved) | Available - Ada |
Using Information Technology, 6/e covers the fundamental computing concepts that are part of the digital age, including software, hardware, data, people, and procedures along with expanded coverage on Security and ethics. The text centers on educating today's technology consumer, using themes of ethics, the Internet, and communications to demonstrate how the changing world of technology influences our lives and the decisions we make.
Series Title |
Call Number |
QA76.5 .W5332 2005
Publisher Place | Boston |
Collation |
xxii, in various pagings : col.ill; 26cm.
Language |
Classification |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
6th ed.
Subject(s) | |
Specific Info |
Statement |
Content Type |
No other version available