The Living company : habits for survival in a turbulent business environment
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| Availability :
00000010010 | HD31 .G438 2002 | (General Book) | Available - Ada |
Most companies do not survive the upheavals of change and competition over the long haul. But there are a few remarkable firms that have withstood the test of several centuries. What hidden lessons do they hold for the rest of us? Arie de Geus, the man who introduced the revolutionary concept of the learning organization, reveals the key to managing for a long and prosperous organizational life.
The Living Company speaks not just to aspiring leaders, but to anyone trying to adapt to a turbulent business environment. Only those steeped in the habits of a living company will survive.
Table of content:
1. The shift from capitalism to a knowledge society
2. The memory of the future
3. Tolls for foresight
4. Decision making as a learning activity
Persona (Identity)
5. Only living beings learn
6. Managing for profit or for longevity : is there a choice?
7. Flocking
8. The Tolerant company
9. The corporate immune system
10. Conservatism in financing
11. Power : nobody should have too much
Series Title |
Call Number |
HD31 .G438 2002
Publisher Place | Boston |
Collation |
xiv, 215p.; 24cm.
Language |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
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Specific Info |
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