Principles of risk management and insurance
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| Availability :
00000010022 | HG8051 .R44 2005 | (General Book) | Available - Ada |
Recent events in the national and international arenas have browught about vast changes in the financial industry. In particular, the areas of risk and insurance have been profoundly affected by scandals, treats, changes in the economy, and new legislation. The ninth edition of Principles of Risk Management and Insurance features extensive revisions, plus new applications designed to keep pace with the industry changes, and thoroughly discusses their relevance for both industry and readers.
Table of Contents:
Part One. Basic concepts in risk management and insurance
1. Risk in our society
2. Insurance and risk
3. Introduction to risk management
4. Advanced topics in risk management
Part Two. Legal principles in risk and insurance
5. Fundamental legal prnciples
6. Analysis of insurance contracts
Part Three. Personal property and liability risks
7. The liability risk
8. Homeowners insurance, Section I
9. Homeowners insurance, Section II
10. Automobile insurance
11. Automobile insurance and society
12. Other property and liability insurance coverages
Part Four. Commercial property and liability risks
13. Commercial property insurance
14. Commercial liability insurance
15. Crime insurance and surety bonds
Part Five. Life and health-risks
16. Fundamentals of life insurance
17. Types of life insurance
18. Life insurance contractual provisions
19. Buying life insurance
20. Annuities and individual retirement accounts
21. Individual health insurance coverages
22. Employee benefits : Group life and health insurance
23. Employee benefits : retirement plans
24. Social insurance
Part Six. The insurance industry
25. Types of insurers and marketing systems
26. Insurance company operations
27. Insurance pricing
28. Government regulation of insurance
Series Title |
Addison-wesley Series In Finance
Call Number |
HG8051 .R44 2005
Publisher Place | Boston |
Collation |
xx, 764 p. : ill. ; 27 cm
Language |
Classification |
Media Type |
Carrier Type |
Edition |
9th ed
Subject(s) | |
Specific Info |
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Content Type |
No other version available