Guide to managerial communication : effective business writing and speaking
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00000010091 | HF5718 .M86 2003 | (General Book) | Available - Ada |
This book was written for you if you need to make presentations in a business, government, or academic setting that is, if you need to present yourself and your ideas to achieve results. You may already know these facts:
Public speaking is the # 1 fear in the United States. Many people avoid giving presentations or simply suffer through them. Understanding how to prepare and practice can make presentations far less troubling.
Your success is based on communication. Studies have linked career advancement with the ability to communicate. Your presentation skills are particularly noticeable by your boss, your co-workers, your clients, and others.
Presenting today is more challenging than in the past. Recent trends such as increased globalization and new presentation technologies make designing and delivering presentations more challenging than ever.
The book is divided into two main sections.
Part I: Presentation Strategy (Chapters 1-3)
Effective presentations are based on effective presentation strategy. Effective presentation strategy, in turn, is based on the three strategic variables covered in this first part, which we refer to as the "AIM" strategy for Audience, Intent, and Message.
Chapter 1: Analyzing Your Audience. This chapter covers how to answer the questions: (1) Who are they? (2) What do they know and expect? and (3) What do they feel?
Chapter 2: Identifying Your Intent. In this chapter, you will learn to set your presentation objective, select the appropriate level of audience interaction, and choose the appropriate medium (e.g., presentation, meeting, videoconference, etc.)
Chapter 3: Making Your Message Memorable. To craft a memorable message, refer to the emphasis and persuasion techniques explained in this chapter.
Part II: Presentation Implementation (Chapters 4-6)
Based on your strategy, you can implement an effective presentation, using the three sets of skills described in Part II, which we refer to as the "SVN" implementation framework: Structure, Visuals, and Nonverbal delivery.
Chapter 4: Structuring Your Presentation. This chapter covers what you say during the presentation-organizational techniques to research ideas for your message and verbal techniques to structure your message.
Chapter 5: Designing Your Visual Aids. In this chapter, we take you through the process of creating visual aids by (1) selecting the right equipment, (2) composing message titles, (3) choosing your chart design, (4) ensuring consistency (including templates), and (5) striving for simplicity and readability (including use of color).
Chapter 6: Refining Your Nonverbal Delivery. The final aspect of presentation implementation consists of your nonverbal delivery skills how you look and sound to your audience. This chapter covers techniques for (1) analyzing the various aspects of your nonverbal delivery, (2) enhancing your delivery, including practice techniques, and (3) relaxing and managing your nervous symptoms
Series Title |
Prentice-hall Series In Advanced Business Communication
Call Number |
HF5718 .M86 2003
Publisher Place | Upper Saddle River |
Collation |
ix, ; 114p.; 20cm.
Language |
Classification |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
6th ed.
Subject(s) | |
Specific Info |
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