Image of Bakmi Tebet : Sustaining Long-Term Competitive Advantage Through Consumer Research and Comprehensive Business Plan

Bakmi Tebet : Sustaining Long-Term Competitive Advantage Through Consumer Research and Comprehensive Business Plan

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00000010826347 (GFP)Available - Ada

Publisher :IPMI Business School , 2007

Since 2001 Bakmi Tebet has been amazingly growing from 1 to 102 branches in franchise system with presence in Jakarta, 14 other cities as well Kairo and Mekkah capturing lower to middle class target market with a message: "Bakmi GM Follower".

The aggressive growth, however, is not supported by good management practice and business strategy which are very important in a practical Bakmi Restaurant business. The success now is being challenged with the emergence of new competitors and business environment change that around 30 branches have closed.

The Group has conducted a consumer research conducted in ten branches in Jakarta and the surroundings, direct interview with five franchisees and able to identify the branding position and consumer perceptual map of Bakmi Tebet among the competition. The Group finds that Bakmi Tebet has captured the right market in lower to middle class target market and has strengths in its brand equity and large network. It, however, has weaknesses in quality control and value proposition that results in branches closing down.

To be able to capture current and future opportunities in a very large market and fierce competition of Bakmi Restaurant business the Group is recommending a comprehensive business plan which covers Operation Management perspective, HRM Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Restaurant Design, and Financial Strategy.

Operation Management determines the need for a qualified Quality Control and mechanism to get feedbacks from the franchisees. HRM suggests the practical development program for employees as well as managers. Marketing strategy elaborates strategic and practical STP & 7P's Bakmi Tebet need to implement. Restaurant Design opens alternatives of different ambiances Bakmi Tebet can consider to gain visit from new customers as well as repeat visit from its loyal consumers and. And finally Finance Strategy is a baseline to forecast that the comprehensive business plan will eventually give higher profitability for Bakmi Tebet.

Not only final assignment, the GFP is a great learning for the Group to understand Bakmi Restaurant Business, the challenges in the real competitive market and to be able to develop recommendation for a comprehensive business plan.

Research Location : Bakmi langgara/Tebet

Supervisor : Mudzaffar Daud

Date Accepted : November 6, 2007

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Publisher Place Jakarta
75p.: col.ill ; 30cm.

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