The Importance Of Service Quality Dimensions Toward Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study Of An Indonesian Mining Service Provider
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2019549 | 549 | IPMI Kalibata (Thesis S2) | Available |
The aim of this study is to determine the importance of service quality dimensions toward customer satisfaction of an Indonesian mining service provider. DNX Indonesia has not implemented a comprehensive method or tool to find out and to measure the level of customer satisfaction for the services provided by DNX. This research used a quantitive approach focusing on relationship among variables. The study involved 22 out of 25 respondents, which represent 90% of total DNX’s active and inactive customers. Some service quality dimensions were selected to be tested in DNX’s operations and its relationship with customers in order to explore the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. This research used SPSS tools to analyze how are the quality dimensions in DNX operation affect customer satisfaction and mapping of important performance of each DNX’s attributes. The result showed that Service Quality Dimensions has positive effect on Customer Satisfaction from customer perceived. Also, based on the results of the Important Performance Analysis obtained mapping attributes from Service Quality DNX based on the level of importance and performance. The study of “The Importance of Service Quality Dimensions Toward Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of an Indonesian Mining Service Provider” will be beneficial for future researcher to design their research on similar study. More than that, this research can be a reference for the mining industry in conducting studies on service quality. Moreover, the finding could help PT. DNX Indonesia to understand the current satisfaction level and improve DNX’s service quality. Keyword: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Mining, Important Performance Analysis.
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Publisher Place | Jakarta Selatan |
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xii, 95p; 30 cm
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