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The causalities of e-commerce user interface design and electronic word of mouth on consumer purchasing decisions at Soho global health official store

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2023CS249CS/249IPMI KalibataAvailable

Publisher :Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI , 2023

Based on the continuing expansion of the e-commerce business, it is critical to get a thorough grasp of the elements that impact customers' decision-making while purchasing online. This study focuses on the substantial influence of two critical aspects on customer purchase decisions, specifically e-commerce user interface design and electronic word of moth (E-WOM), with a special emphasis on the SOHO Global Health Official Store. This research uses a quantitative approach and uses primary data through dissemination questionnaires to 148 respondents, employees of Soho Global Health Official Store. The sampling technique used is a non-probability convenience sampling. The data is processed through the SPSS version 25.0 program with analytical techniques parametric statistics, namely multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the partial t-test prove that partially the user interface design e-commerce has a significant effect on consumer purchasing decision with a value of significant of 0.000 < 0.05, and electronic word of mouth has a significant on consumer purchasing decision which is indicated by the acquisition of a significant value of 0.000 < 0.05. The F test results prove that the user interface design e-commerce and electronic word of mouth simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance of employees of Soho Global Health Official Store with a value significance of 0.000 < 0.05. The large contribution of the influence of user interface design and electronic word of mouth with adjusted coefficient of determination adjusted-R of 0.527 or 52.7% while the remaining 47.3% is affected by other factors which were not investigated in this study.

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Publisher Place Jakarta Selatan
80p: ill; 30cm
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