Survei nasional mengenai korupsi di Indonesia : laporan akhir Pebruari 2002
| Gmd : Text
| Availability :
00000001846 | HD6490 .C64S97 2002 | (General Book) | Available - Ada |
A National Survey of Corruption in Indonesia is part of the Facility's work : it confirms some of what is already known about corruption in Indoneia ; presents some new observations on people's behavior towards corruption ; as well as refutes some common misperceptions on the causes of corruption. The empirical findings form an objective basis for informed dialogue leading to policy recommendations and implementation strategies. In this case, the Partnership convened a Select Steering Committee to review the findings of the survey and suggest relevant policy actions to reduce corruption in Indonesia
Series Title |
Call Number |
HD6490 .C64S97 2002
Publisher Place | Jakarta |
Collation |
xxii, 80p.; 30cm.
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Edition |
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