Corporate financial management
| Gmd : Text
| Availability :
00000008973 | HG4026 .E468 2004 | (Library Reserved) | Available - Ada |
This text offers a set of fundamental tenets designed to help you develop intuition about decision making that will hold true through future evolution in the financial world. Our principles of finance provide an integrated view of the theory of finance so that financial decision making can be treated as an application of this basic understanding.
Corporate Financial Management shows how to apply this 'ready intuition' to the world of financial management.
Series Title |
Call Number |
HG4026 .E468 2004
Publisher Place | n.a |
Collation |
xxi, 899p.: ill.; 26cm.
Language |
Classification |
Media Type |
Carrier Type |
Edition |
2nd ed.
Subject(s) | |
Specific Info |
Statement |
Content Type |
No other version available