Business Plan for PT TVS Motor Indonesia
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After soft launching 'TVS Neo' at Pekan Raya Jakarta Kemayoran July-August 2007, PT. TVS Motor Indonesia faced a problem actually people who interested to their product are below from the target. Even people who stay in Jakarta also, not yet familiar with TVS Neo name. Cause of that PT. TVS Motor Indonesia still pull aside to grand launching their product because they wanted to review their product and develop the best product in quality and make their consumers satisfaction. They worry to get failed on this product because TVS Motor Indonesia has a long term investment with build a factory in Indonesia and they want to make a good image for their first product in Indonesian market. Because of that they have doing too much research in Indonesia to looking what actually the Indonesian people want from a motorcycle.
For the first year their operated, TVS Motor want to get market share as much 5% until 7% in Indonesia. To achieved that TVS Motor must develop marketing strategy idea to improve the sales volume when they product available in the market. TVS Motor learns about consumer behavior and makes a relationship with Research Company to get the data about this market. To anticipate failure like happen to motor cycle from China at 1999 era, PT. TVS Motor before they sales the product develop positive perceptions such as availability of spare-pares with open dealers in much areas and continuously test quality of the product.
To achieved their target, PT. TVS Motor Indonesia is recommended to implemented the positioning strategy (no specific target market in terms of age and sex), and also development of new technologies for reducing ,emission and improving the fuel economy because the price of fuel in Indonesia every year is increase so if thef can make
the thrifty product the consumer will looking for them because more economically depend with the competitor. The supportive themes are comfort to drive, safety, durable engine and spacious of baggage, since these are the main attributes people are looking for in buying motorcyle.
In implementing the pust strategy, PT TVS Motor Indonesia is recomended to give a special bonus to their sales persons as well as their dealer's sales persons in order to motivate them more. In supporting the preceding strategy, PT TVS Motor Indonesia is recommended to pull the prospective customer by giving one year free motorcycle insurance as well as spare parts and service, and guarantee the resale value of PT TVS Motor Indonesia.
To be to communicate effectively and to get a bigger impact of TVS's advertisement, TVS Motor Indonesia.
To be to communicate effectively and to get a bigger impact of TVS's advertisement, TVS Motor Indonesia can invite the mass media like Motor Plus or other media about motor cycle to do some test ride. After that the media can explain to potential customer about the performance of the product. The emphasis of the test ride is more to change people perceptions.
Research Location : PT TVS Motor Indonesia
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Publisher Place | Jakarta |
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xiii, 34p.: ill.; 28cm.
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