Image of Assessment on Improving Capital Structure of PERUM Pegadaian Through Initial Public Offering to Maximizing Shareholder Value

Assessment on Improving Capital Structure of PERUM Pegadaian Through Initial Public Offering to Maximizing Shareholder Value

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Publisher :IPMI Business School , 2008

Perum Pagadaian is a State-Owned Company specializes in pawn business based on extended loan and fiduciary collateral. Initially, the company was established by government to channel credits to serve below average income people and prevent public from paying high cost of fund charged by private companies. Today, Perum Pegadaian has become an alternative in providing the needs of funds from various consumer types of different segments. Thus, Perum Pegadaian was chosen considering its financial performance and its future expansion.

Impressive financial indicators certainly require some improvement in Perum Pegadaian operation. These ongoing improvements would include specific programs customized for the company e.g. legal aspects of Limited Liability Company (PT), steps of IPO, current/Outlook of Macroeconomic Condition, SWOT Analysis of current company condition, optimum capital structure, Company's intrinsic Value with/without IPO, new shares issuance and a Fair Pricing range during offering.

Company intrinsic value is calculated using common valuation methods such as Multiple Approach and Dividend Discounted Model (DDM). Two scenarios (without IPO and with IPO) were made to have better understanding of how IPO will impact to the company's financial performance.

Research Location : PERUM Pegadaian

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Publisher Place Jakarta
90p.; tables ; 30cm.

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