Building a Srategy Toward an Intitial Public Offering (IPO) in PT. Surveyor Indonesia
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00000011016 | CS/25 | (Capita Selecta) | Available - Ada |
PT Surveyor Indonesia (SI) is conducting business in inspecting, controlling, evaluating, and monitoring of specific business industry, especially in natural resources. Although it is a government-based company, PTSI has been highly-rated as one of the most profitable government-based company in Indonesia.
There are several method should be used to create a strategy :
1. Evaluate vision and mission
2. Analyze external and internal factor
3. Establish long term objective
4. Generate, evaluate and select strategies
5. Implement strategies management issues
6. Implement strategies marketing, finance, accounting, R&D and MIS issues
7. Measure and evaluate performance
IPO (initial public offering) is a first and one-time only sale of publicly tradable stock shares in a company that has previously been owned privately. An IPO is also sometimes known as 'going public'. Technically, an IPO is the offering to sell but virtually allm IPOs result in all the stock offered being sold. IPOs are generally managed by companies that specialize in handling IPOs and have experience in determining what the likely IPO offering price should be.
In creating strategy for PT. Surveyor Indonesia, the writer has to analyze internal and external factor of PT Surveyor Indonesia and using the SWOT analysis and the IE matrix writer can create a specific strategy that PT Surveyor Indonesia can be use. There are several methods to analyze external and internal
In creating strategy for PT. Surveyor Indonesia, the writer has to analyze internal and extarnal factor of PT Surveyor Indonesia and using the SWOT analysis and the IE matrix writer can create a specific strategy that PT surveyor Indonesia can be use. There are several methods to analyze external and internal factor. Using Porter's Five-Forces Model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach for developing strategies in many industries. According to Porter, the nature of competitiveness in a given industry can be viewed as a composite of five forces. And for internal factors, Value chain is the framework that used to gain key insights into a firm's internal environment. The tools that can be used for external and internal evaluation are External Factor Evaluation (EFE) and Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE). Using the QSPM we have to decide which strategy should be done first. There are several components in develop QSPM : Startegic alternatives, key factors, weight, attractiveness scores (AS), total attractiveness scores (TAS) and the sum total attractiveness score.
The limitation of this capita selecta is limited until strategy formulation. The implementation and evaluating of the strategy is not discussed in this Capita Selecta. The writer also has a limitation of resources because is hard to get a specific resources in the company.
Research Location : PT. Surveyor Indonesia
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Publisher Place | Jakarta |
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49p.: tables, appendixes ; 28cm.
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