Image of How to Increase the Adoption Rate ``Study of Rice Crop Protection Agriculture Industry``

How to Increase the Adoption Rate ``Study of Rice Crop Protection Agriculture Industry``

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Publisher :IPMI Business School , 2011

Bayer ScropScience successfully developed a technology "Bayer Tabela" to improve crops and harvesting results on rice fields. Bayer Table (Tanam Benih Langsung) is a method of rice cultivation by direct seed planting with a simple and efficient modified tool called "Baytani" seeder. The technology was designed to help farmers to improve their efficiency by reducing labor costs for planting, reducing water requirements, and shortening the time required for planting, Environmentally speaking it can also reduce the methane gas emissions (CH4) compared to transplanted rice, which needs flooding ater through most of the season.

Upon completion of the two years field implementation (2009 and 2010), Bayer CropScience conducted a project financial target vs. actual comparison to evaluate the project current profitability and projected the financial indicators throughout the project evaluation period (2010-2020). The evaluation showed under performance in both hectares acceptance by farmer and twin pack adaptions packs. The below expectation results led Bayer CropScience to assigned our group to re-evaluate the project implementation and marketing strategies in order to the close gap and accomlished the project initial targets.

The analysis of primary and secondary stakeholder data, using the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, micro-model of consumer responses and the use of ethnography allow this investigation group to identified the low level of effort expectancy, social influence and poor facilitating conditions as major causal factors for the technology low adoption rate. It also allows the development of recommendation to improve the technology acceptance performance. Some of the recommendation included : improvement in the campaign/promotion, redesigned the micro communication strategy, redefine the innovation adoption models, etc.

Research Location : Bayer CropSCience

Confidential until 1/12/2014

Series Title
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Publisher Place Jakarta
xiv; 43p.: col.ill., appendixes ; 30cm.
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