Image of Ecommerce Education Program to GAPOKTAN Jati Mandiri for Business Sustainability Purpose

Ecommerce Education Program to GAPOKTAN Jati Mandiri for Business Sustainability Purpose

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CIP142017CIP 14 (CIP)Available

Publisher :IPMI International Business School , 2017

With the development of information technology today, new types and business opportunities has been created where business transactions are increasingly being made electronically. The Internet helps us to interact, communicate, and even trade with people from all over the world cheaply, quickly and easily. The last few years with so the spread of internet media caused many companies began to try to offer various products by using this media. A product that showed over the internet can bring great benefits to entrepreneurs because its products are known throughout the world. The use of the Internet is not only limited to the use of information that can be accessed through this media, but also can be used as a means to conduct trade transactions. The process of this trade transactions by online is called electronic commerce or better known as E-Commerce, which is a form of electronic commerce through the internet media and now it had begun in Indonesia. Unfortunately, there are many small business in Indonesia that could not use this ecommerce opportunity because the lack of their ecommerce knowledge. That is why, the author conducted this Community Involvement Project in order tocontribute to the education of the members of GAPOKTAN Jati Mandiri about the business of digital world in order to make them be able to adapt in the new business competition so they can keep the sustainability of their businesses. The project is done by conducting three main activities which are by two seminars and private consultations. After that, research will be coordinated to see how impactful and satisfying these activities to the GAPOKTAN Jati Mandiri members who had participated in the program. The author also had done research about potential marketplace for GAPOKTAN Jati Mandiri in order to find their next ecommerce strategy. Finally, the data that had been collected would be analysed in order to see if the program were effective enough to educate the members and if the object ive of the program had been met.

Series Title
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CIP 14
Publisher Place Jakarta
vi, 48p; 30cm
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