Forecasting Of Business Financial Performance And Its Evaluation of PT. XYZ
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| Availability :
201916 | 16 | IPMI Kalibata (GFP S1) | Available |
PT. XYZ is a 16 months old company that runs the business in fishery industry with a distinctive business model. It combines traditional Indonesia’s koperasi model and a usual PT business model. The company was established with a drive to improve Maluku’s fishermen economy standards which cause its investors and owner are mostly originated from Maluku. PT. XYZ operates heavily in Maluku and its administrations centralized at Bintaro, Greater Jakarta Area. It operates in daily fish trading at Maluku and focuses the company to trade tuna fish. Within the operational aspect, PT. XYZ has invested their capital in developing communication chain between fishermen, improving fishing standards, buying fish traps, renting ships, and creating workhouses. The objective of this project is to supporting the company in calculating its financial forecasts to provide a glimpse information about the performance requirements to achieve their business expectation and return appetite through (1) separating sales data and cost (2) Making fish production assumption using the available income statement and product price list (3) Making sales forecast using exponential smoothing based on the average fish production assumption (4) Making company performance estimation using the forecasted sales by adding it to the regression model of fish revenue and total cost. Our measurement will be using exponential smoothing alpha level of 0.1, 0.5 and 0.9 from PT. XYZ forecasted revenue, total cost, profit and average production assumption to get better measurement of Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value and Profitability Index. By the end of project, we can conclude that the company mostly have all the result in negative number due to the negative cash flows and the negative forecasted profit. We came up into several recommendation for PT XYZ to reduce potential loss in the future such as Try to sell more into higher margin buyers, focus existing fund to invest at business enhancing asset, such as cold storage or higher quality management system. Keywords: Fishery industry, financial forecast, Exponential smoothing, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, and Profitability Index
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Publisher Place | Jakarta Selatan |
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viii, 28p; 30cm
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