Image of Factors Influencing Turnover Intention of Millenial Employees : A Study with in The Financial Services Sector in Jakarta

Factors Influencing Turnover Intention of Millenial Employees : A Study with in The Financial Services Sector in Jakarta

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2020CS191CS/191IPMI Kalibata (Thesis S1)Available

Publisher :Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI , 2020

As millennials are rising to control the Indonesian workforce, they have become
an important asset for companies to pursue sustainable growth. According to the 2019
Indonesia Total Remuneration Survey by Mercer, the financial services industry in
Indonesia has the highest voluntary turnover rate at 14% compared to its previous year's
tXrnoYer rate of 12% and other indXstr\¶s tXrnoYer rate at 10%. While man\ driYing
factors play a significant role in the high turnover rate, there are many studies that
suggest millennials¶ different Zork preferences as one of the leading factors. There
have been a growing number of studies that look into the factors influencing employee
turnover intention. However, research on the effect of these factors on turnover
intention in the specific context of Indonesian millennial employees in the financial
service industry has not been conducted. Therefore, analysis for the affecting factors is
needed to develop human resources management strategies to attract and retain
millennial employees by understanding the factors that would lead them to leave their
current jobs. This research uses multiple regression models with SPSS Statistics
Version 25. The researcher has managed to collect 130 millennial respondents from
several financial services firms in Jakarta and this research found that the millennial
employee turnover intention is significantly influenced by Perceived Career
Opportunities and Fair and Accurate Performance Appraisals. Suggestions in this
research include how companies should increase the opportunity to improve
employees' potential and provide opportunities to develop their careers and how
expanding the frequency of performance feedback by applying real-time feedback
techniques accomplishes the same outcomes with added benefits for performance

Keywords: Turnover Intention, Millennials, Human Resources Management, Financial
Services Sector

Series Title
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Publisher Place Jakarta
x, 73p; 30cm
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