Technology and customer service : profitable relationship building
| Gmd : Text
| Availability :
00000009981 | HF5415.5 .T5153 2005 | (General Book) | Available - Ada |
Addressing the use of current technology in building customer loyalty, this practical, easily readable book explains how technology can enhance customer loyalty by exceeding expectations in small but significant ways. It teaches how to surprise customers with pleasant experiences, enabling companies to increase profitability. This book covers the following topics: success and customer loyalty, customer turnoffs and expectations, using technology as a loyalty-building enabler, and the management of that technology. For customer support representatives, help desk analysts, technical support staff, and other customer care professionals.
Series Title |
Neteffect Series : Management Skills
Call Number |
HF5415.5 .T5153 2005
Publisher Place | Upper Saddle River |
Collation |
vii, 200p.; 24cm.
Language |
Classification |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
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Specific Info |
Statement |
Content Type |
No other version available