Marketing channels

Marketing channels

Retail geography and intelligent network planning

Retail geography and intelligent network planning

Ring Medical -- HCS - 100: A Superior Communications System

Ring Medical -- HCS - 100: A Superior Communications System

Proposed infrastucture distribution system of Pepsi Cola International (PCI)in Jakarta

Proposed infrastucture distribution system of Pepsi Cola International (PCI)in Jakarta

Marketing Strategy to Penetrate the Low Income Segment with Kiwi Sachet as a Pilot Project

Marketing Strategy to Penetrate the Low Income Segment with Kiwi Sachet as a Pilot Project

Evaluation towards marketing strategy of Palapa Yunior, a kid saving from Bank Duta

Evaluation towards marketing strategy of Palapa Yunior, a kid saving from Bank Duta

Extensive Marketing Research and Comperhensive Review on BISKUAT`s Lower Trade Distribution System in Jabotabek

Extensive Marketing Research and Comperhensive Review on BISKUAT`s Lower Trade Distribution System in Jabotabek

PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia : Achieving Sustainable Growth; Electronic Outlet Value Proposition

PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia : Achieving Sustainable Growth; Electronic Outlet Value Proposition

Creating a Role Model of Agent for P.T. Nippon Indosari Corpindo

Creating a Role Model of Agent for P.T. Nippon Indosari Corpindo

CDMA Handset Distribution : A Business Solution Approach for PT Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur

CDMA Handset Distribution : A Business Solution Approach for PT Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur

Assessing and Improving Distribution Model for Provisions : Case of PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindos Stock Point in Jabotabek

Assessing and Improving Distribution Model for Provisions : Case of PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindos Stock Point in Jabotabek

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