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Financial management : principles and applications

Financial management : principles and applications

Corporate finance : financial management in a global environment

Corporate finance : financial management in a global environment

Test item file basic financial management

Test item file basic financial management

Study guide basic financial management

Study guide basic financial management

Instructor`s manual basic financial management

Instructor`s manual basic financial management

Test bank to accompany financial management : theory and practice

Test bank to accompany financial management : theory and practice

Test item file financial management : principles and applications

Basic financial management

Basic financial management

Instructors manual for financial management : text and cases

Instructors manual for financial management : text and cases

Principles of managerial finance

Principles of managerial finance

Foundations of financial management

Foundations of financial management

Financial management : principles and practice

Financial management : principles and practice

Basic financial management

Basic financial management

Financial management : text and cases

Financial management : text and cases

Principles of corporate finance

Principles of corporate finance

Corporate financial management

Corporate financial management

Finance for managers

Finance for managers

Fundamentals of financial management

Fundamentals of financial management

Company performance and measures of value added

Company performance and measures of value added

Corporate financial management

Corporate financial management

Financial management : theory and practice

Financial management : theory and practice

Financial theory and corporate policy

Financial theory and corporate policy

Modern project finance

Modern project finance

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