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Jakarta Futures Exchange : Marketing Strategy for Commodity Futures

Jakarta Futures Exchange : Marketing Strategy for Commodity Futures

Integrating Work flow Processes at PT Ekspres Transportasi Antarbenua to Achieve Operational Effectiveness

Integrating Work flow Processes at PT Ekspres Transportasi Antarbenua to Achieve Operational Effectiveness

Lead Time Improvement by Developing Review and Monitoring System : A Case Study at PT Pharos Indonesia

Lead Time Improvement by Developing Review and Monitoring System : A Case Study at PT Pharos Indonesia

MNK - Supply Chain Management

MNK - Supply Chain Management

Stock Market Investment

Stock Market Investment

Permasalahan Industri Perkapalan di Indonesia

Permasalahan Industri Perkapalan di Indonesia

Development of Marketing Communication Strategy For a New Television Set : Creative Work Survey and Media Strategy Development

Development of Marketing Communication Strategy For a New Television Set : Creative Work Survey and Media Strategy Development

A Study of Housing Finance and Mortgage Backed Securities: a case in PT. Brycon Indonesia

A Study of Housing Finance and Mortgage Backed Securities: a case in PT. Brycon Indonesia

Redefining Bank Pos strategies through its flagship: saving account

Redefining Bank Pos strategies through its flagship: saving account

The Marketing Strategy of PT Bumi Morowali Marble: an Attitude, Image and Usage Study of BMM Marble Perceived by Consumer, Influencer and Retailer

The Marketing Strategy of PT Bumi Morowali Marble: an Attitude, Image and Usage Study of BMM Marble Perceived by Consumer, Influencer and Retailer

Winning The Future Retail Business: Corporate Strategy for Alfa Retailindo Tbk

Winning The Future Retail Business: Corporate Strategy for Alfa Retailindo Tbk

Operation Strategy for Oriflame Indonesia

Operation Strategy for Oriflame Indonesia

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