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Introduction to business and economics statistics

Introduction to business and economics statistics

Econometrics and Statistic Vol 1

Econometrics and Statistic Vol 1

Customer Perception on Gramedia Store Towards Brand 

Customer Perception on Gramedia Store Towards Brand Transformation

Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics

Business Statistics

Quantitative business analysis : text and cases

Quantitative business analysis : text and cases

Business statistics in practice

Business statistics in practice

Operations management

Operations management

Instructor`s solutions manual statistics for management

Instructor`s solutions manual statistics for management

Basic statistics for business and economics

Basic statistics for business and economics

Statistics for management and economics

Statistics for management and economics

Statistics for management

Statistics for management

Marketing research : text and cases

Marketing research : text and cases

Introduction to business statistics : a microsoft excel integrated approach

Introduction to business statistics : a microsoft excel integrated approach

Statistical techniques in business & economics

Statistical techniques in business & economics

Statistics for managers using microsoft excel

Statistics for managers using microsoft excel

Statistical techniques in business & economics

Statistical techniques in business & economics

Theory and problems of probability and statistics (Schaum`s Outlines)

Theory and problems of probability and statistics (Schaum`s Outlines)

Statistics for business and economics

Statistics for business and economics

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