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Test item file marketing management

Test item file marketing management

Instructor`s solutions manual statistics for management

Instructor`s solutions manual statistics for management

Instructor`s resource manual marketing management

Instructor`s resource manual marketing management

Test item file basic financial management

Test item file basic financial management

Instructor`s manual to accompany Accounting : Text and Cases, volume. 1, chapter 1-14

Instructor`s manual to accompany Accounting : Text and Cases, volume. 1, chapter 1-14

Study guide basic financial management

Study guide basic financial management

Instructor`s manual basic financial management

Instructor`s manual basic financial management

Test bank to accompany financial management : theory and practice

Test bank to accompany financial management : theory and practice

Business communication today : study guide

Business communication today : study guide

Islamic banking

Islamic banking

Budaya korupsi ala Indonesia

Budaya korupsi ala Indonesia

Manajemen dan evaluasi kinerja

Manajemen dan evaluasi kinerja

Bantuan asing, swasta, BUMN, Buku 3

Bantuan asing, swasta, BUMN, Buku 3

Pesta tentara, hakim, bankir, pegawai negeri, Buku 2

Pesta tentara, hakim, bankir, pegawai negeri, Buku 2

Dari puncak sampai dasar, Buku 1

Dari puncak sampai dasar, Buku 1

Airline : a strategic management simulation

Airline : a strategic management simulation

Where will they lead ? MBA student attitudes about business & society : survey findings

Where will they lead ? MBA student attitudes about business & society : survey findings



Marketing channels

Marketing channels

HRM reality : puting competence in context

HRM reality : puting competence in context

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