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Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation

Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation

Academy of Management Perspectives Vol 33 No.4

Academy of Management Perspectives Vol 33 No.4

Forecasting Of Business Financial Performance And Its Evaluation of PT. XYZ

Forecasting Of Business Financial Performance And Its Evaluation of PT. XYZ

The Perception of Jakarta Millennials on Indonesian Heritage Fashion as a Luxury Style

The Perception of Jakarta Millennials on Indonesian Heritage Fashion as a Luxury Style

PT. Jakim Toward Year 2003

PT. Jakim Toward Year 2003

Investment analysis in international technology licensing

Investment analysis in international technology licensing

Analysis on Business Operation of PT. Bevera Makmur Cemerlang

Analysis on Business Operation of PT. Bevera Makmur Cemerlang

Repositioning CFC

Repositioning CFC

How to Positioning Graha Medika Hospital as ``Hospital of Choice``

How to Positioning Graha Medika Hospital as ``Hospital of Choice``

A Study on Cerebrovit`s Target Market Perception

A Study on Cerebrovit`s Target Market Perception

Business Improvements Through Supply Chain Management

Business Improvements Through Supply Chain Management

Bank Syariah Mandiri

Bank Syariah Mandiri

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