Contemporary marketing : audio chapter reviews

Promotional strategy : managing the marketing communications process

Promotional strategy : managing the marketing communications process

The value profit chain : threat employees like customers and customers like employees

The value profit chain : threat employees like customers and customers like employees

Marketing management

Marketing management

Marketing management

Marketing management

Marketing management : Knowledge and skills

Marketing management : Knowledge and skills

Marketing communication study of Philips new consumer lighting products

Marketing communication study of Philips new consumer lighting products

Development of Marketing Communication Strategy For a New Television Set : Creative Work Survey and Media Strategy Development

Development of Marketing Communication Strategy For a New Television Set : Creative Work Survey and Media Strategy Development

The Proposed Marketing Communication Strategy of Coca Cola on the Youth Market Segment

The Proposed Marketing Communication Strategy of Coca Cola on the Youth Market Segment

Integrated Marketing Communication to Support PLN`S Recovery Program

Integrated Marketing Communication to Support PLN`S Recovery Program

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