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Contemporary marketing : audio chapter reviews

Grabbing Lightning: Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innovation

Grabbing Lightning: Building a Capability for Breakthrough Innovation

Zero to one : membangun startup membangun masa depan

Zero to one : membangun startup membangun masa depan

Managing new product and process development : text and cases

Managing new product and process development : text and cases

Managing product life-cycles

Managing product life-cycles

Marketing management : an Asian perspective

Marketing management : an Asian perspective

Strategic management of technology and innovation

Strategic management of technology and innovation

New product management

New product management

Product design and development

Product design and development

Implementing marketing strategies : Part II

Implementing marketing strategies : Part II

New products management

New products management

Marketing management : knowledge and skills

Marketing management : knowledge and skills

Marketing management

Marketing management

Marketing : an introduction

Marketing : an introduction

Marketing management : Knowledge and skills

Marketing management : Knowledge and skills

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